DHL Express, has undertaken the project's logistics support, will deliver kits to 10,000 destinations in more than 60 countries. DHL Express will bring Turkey's goodwill message to a much wider audience with the #GoodnessFromTürkiye tags to be added to every international shipment for 2 months and raise awareness by carrying the same message on its domestic courier vehicles.
TIM, continuing to work non-stop at a time when the Covid-19 epidemic hit international trade drastically, has brought the “national production mobilization" it launched into an international dimension. International promotion and solidarity work will be carried out with the #GoodnessFromTürkiye project implemented by TTG, active within TIM.
In the framework of this project, TTG has prepared special design kits consisting of hygiene products with the logo “Made in Türkiye” to symbolize Turkey's spirit of solidarity in this period and to increase the country's brand value. DHL Express, the project's logistical sponsor, will deliver these kits to major buyers, trade association representatives, press members, and world-famous social media phenomena in more than 60 countries. Moreover, it will carry the goodwill message of Turkey and its exporters with the #GoodnessFromTürkiye tags, which it will add to each international shipment for 2 months. The same message will be placed on domestic courier vehicles. İsmail Gülle (TIM and TTG Chairman) and Claus Lassen (DHL Express Turkey CEO) participated in the ceremony held at TIM headquarters during the shipment of kits.
İsmail Gülle: "We have delivered the products to their destinations in time"
İsmail Gülle (Chairman of TIM and TTG), who delivered a speech in the ceremony, emphasized that since the beginning of 2020, the world was giving a unique struggle against a global epidemic of a size unprecedented for a century. "We are giving a good account both as a country and as exporters in such a hard time in world history. The effective management of our fight against the virus, under the strong leadership of our President, has enabled us to initiate normalization steps for the Turkish economy to reach the peak of the epidemic sooner than expected, as data obtained from the Ministry of Health points out. During this process, the product donations made to more than 70 countries with our helping hand has both demonstrated Turkey's production and supply opportunities and capabilities to the world and become a sign of the country's ability to show international solidarity. As Turkey, we are trying to extend our hand to every needy point in the world. Even though international conditions are difficult from time to time, we have been working with our utmost strength since the first day without stepping back from our goals. Despite many challenges in the global supply chain, we have restored our confidence by delivering products in timely manner. We believe it will give us a great advantage in the future and help to the brand of Turkey reach a different point in the eyes of overseas buyers.”
İsmail Gülle: "We have given the message that we are with you and we are here for your supply needs”
Gülle continued his words: " Our exporters who worked, produced, designed, branded for both their country and world economy for many years, and who struggle almost with a frontiersman's sense of belonging during this challenging process, now supply medical materials for the health of our country and the world , launching a 'National Production Campaign'. While our country supports the global struggle with its friendly hand extended to more than 70 countries during the recent Covid-19 epidemic, we as exporters are taking this 'humanity' and 'goodness' movement one step further with the 'Made in Türkiye' hygiene products. We aim to revive the spirit of solidarity in difficult times by sending special design hygiene kits to major buyers, trade association representatives and the press in our target markets, as well as to strengthen the perception of Turkish products and our position as 'Reliable Supplier Turkey'. Above all, we believe that to overcome this global epidemic, all humanity must unite its mind and heart. With Covid-19, personal hygiene awareness has reached remarkably high levels. It is predicted that this awareness will continue during the period what we call the new normal. In this period, we wanted to send the message to our stakeholders abroad that we stand by them, with the hygiene products produced in our country. At the same time, we had the opportunity to remind once again that production continues in our country and that we are here today and in the future as a reliable partner for all areas in need of supply. I would like to thank all the manufacturers who have supported the preparation of the products in this process and DHL Express for having undertaken the logistics processes of our kits to go all around the world. We believe that epidemics and crises can be stopped through the implementation of preventive measures against this global epidemic, which has deeply affected all of us, with the determination of the leading authorities of all world countries, and then development will ensue as long as we create a sustainable environment for human health, which is the most important thing.”
Letter Diplomacy from TİM
The kits will go to major buyers in more than 60 countries, representatives of commercial associations, the press, and world-famous social media phenomena together with a letter penned by İsmail Gülle, the team head, conveying messages of friendship. The letter emphasizes the awareness towards Turkish products around the world, while giving a message of cooperation and support in the fight against the virus.
Claus Lassen: "Turkey's exporters work with great determination and enthusiasm as always”
“As the leader of the international rapid air transport sector, we persist with our mission to connect businesses in Turkey to the world, as we always do, during the Covid-19 epidemic we are going through, " said Claus Lassen, CEO of DHL Express Turkey, in his speech at the ceremony. In this process, we see Turkey's young, entrepreneurial, and dynamic exporter family is working with great determination and enthusiasm to expand their business and open up to new markets as they always do. We are glad to work with them as close business partners in this process with our products and services that will facilitate the process as much as domestic trade for those who want to ship abroad. TIM and I have worked together in many projects before. The cooperation we realize today has given us the chance to do more about the introduction of Made in Türkiye products to the world. We are happy to use our expertise to ensure that this demonstration of goodwill will enable the products to reach their interlocutors all over the world in the fastest way and contribute to the promotion of Turkey.”
Kits will also serve as communications for buyers in need of supply.
Hygiene kits include cologne, which is part of Turkey's unique hospitality and cleaning tradition, as well as mask, hand sanitizer gel, hand sanitizer wipes, anti-bacterial wet wipes, and solid soap, all produced in Turkey. Additionally, buyers who want to reach the right suppliers for all the products they need are referred and led to the relevant exporters assemblies with the link QR code given in the kit.